Like the theatre? No? Why not, stupid? If you admit to disliking theatre, you mark yourself out as an intellectual lightweight and risk the derision of your highbrow peers. Take it from me, if you want to get on in life, you have to have seen at least one play in your adult life. And I mean sit through the whole thing quietly, without texting your moron friends or reading some brainless celeb magazine. And pay attention; you'll be expected to make observations afterwards. A complete lack of insight into the play's subtext will give the game away, and the Brights will know you for what you are, a cheap fraud.
Now, I know this seems like an insurmountable task to your little brains. What play should I go to? Where do they have plays? Do they sell booze there? And so on. So I'll tell you what. I'll make it a bit easier for you. You should go to see The Importance of Being Earnest in Wesley Hall, Leeson Park (near Lesson Street Bridge). It starts tonight and finishes on Saturday. It was written by Oscar Wilde, who was considerably smarter than you. And no, there won't be booze there, you'll just have to be patient.
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