25 May, 2008

Scambaiting: Come Dancing Edition

From: "Susi"  
Subject: Thinking of you 
Date: Mon,  2 Oct 2006 11:17:33


 Hello honey, How are you today? I guess it is well if so thanks be to God almighty.How was your weekend i hope you do enjoy it well if so thanks be to God almighty.


Honey i want to know if you have contacted with the Bank if not please try to contact them to know what we have to do next.honey what kind of language did you use to write to my revrend?please tell.


As i wait to hear from you soon.

My great regards

Miss susi with love & trust.



To: "Simon Chicanery"  
Subject: Confirm receipt 
Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2006 14:08:12

Bank Of Africa Senegal(BOASE) 
39,Av.Leopold Sedar Senghor, 
Dakar Senegal.West Africa. 
Tel: 00 221 368 1543 
Fax: 00 221 892 4845 

Attn:Mr.Simon Chicanery. 

In view of your request for claims, closure and transfer of a deposited US$3.7M on behalf of Mss.Susi Saleeby whom is the recognised next of kin to our late customer Dr Elie E. Saleeby. Investigation has been conducted and your information coincided with those in our record based on the report from our payment verification board. 

Be informed that before further transfer process can be effected in your favour as our banking ethic states, we need to receive the following documents from the court of Senegal precisely, to prove legally that you have been mandated by Mss Susi Saleeby. 

(1) Forward a scaned copy of your identity and carefully fill the attached questionnaire form. 
(2) A letter of administration notorised in Dalar and an affidavit of oat/support from high court of Senegal. 

We hope that you will understand that our request for the above documents and information are part of our security protocols to avoid fraudlent claims or an unwarranted taking advantage of our customer's by some 
individuals or some other distance relation, who might have had access to his/her privacy. 

On receipt of the above requirements by e-mail attachment, we shall verify them and once we are satisfied, we shall process your file and effect the transfer without further delay. Thanks for your co-operation. 

Yours faithfully, 
Mr.Omar Ndiaye. 
Foreign operations & International Remittance Dept. 
(Bank of Africa Senegal,Dakar-Senegal) 

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From: "Simon Chicanery"  
Subject: deepest heartfelt apologising 
Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2006 19:03:19


first let me start by offering my most sincere sorriness for my unfortunate email of friday night last. you see, i had been celebrating the outcome of my court case (i arsenised the evidence lab) and ended up drinink large quantities of babycham and mr sheen in the field in which i live in with my sheep. it was in this inebriated state that i sent you this mail. please disregard and wipe from your memory anything i may have said (i have managed this already). if i said anything about trapping a young boy in a well in my field, this was a joke. please do not send it to the police. again i apologise from the heart of my bottom etc. 

i am glad we are friends reverend. i hope that when we become closer we will be able to discuss sensitive matters that i cannot discuss with anyone else. WILL YOU COME AND VISIT ME ON MY FIELD ON THE ISLE OF WIGHT IN ENGLAND IN THE UK? 

please let me know asap. 



From: "Simon Chicanery"  
Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2006 19:07:03


Mr Omar::: 

what are you doing? you are having a lough? i cannot read the attachment you have sent me. this is UNACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOUR. i demand you transfer the funds IMMEDIATELY. 


ps kudos for understanding this request relates to the afore mentioned funds, as my previous mail was somewhat scant of detail. you must have ESPN.



From: "Simon Chicanery"  
Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2006 19:33:00


miss susi: 
oh dear, thank you for letting me know about the mail to the reverend - i was so pissed i had forgotten all about it. i must have been completely wankered! i do not know what i said in the mail. was the reverend ANGRY?? i hope i did not offend him to a fatal degree. i have already sent him a mail to say sorry. please tell him from me that i have not lost respect for him. 
oh susi, i love you so. i can't wait for you to be here with me in my luxury apartment building in the field in which i live in. oh the fun we will have chasing my little sheep Zsa Zsa around the field before i bludgeon you with a blunt instrument, possibly an oak bucket or a tree trunk fragment. then i will lower your unconscious body into the pit in my basement and pass lotion down to you in a basket so that you may keep your skin nice and soft for me. that reminds me, what dress size do you wear? i am getting very excited about it, i may go for a walk on the moors later. i quite like bowls and labrador riding, what kind of sports do you like? 
kissy kissy for my missie



From: "Susi"  
Subject: thinking of you 
Date: Tue,  3 Oct 2006 15:08:28

 Hello honey, Thanks for your mail i am glad to hear from you and to read your mail that you have send a mail to the revrend for Appology thanks alot for that,you know he is the only person that is helping me here in Senegal becuase he knows that i am a foreigner here in Senegal so he take me as his children,not that he was Angry you know being a father that he is he knows how to handle things like that he only told me you send him some mail and use a words that he did not understand, why he was saying this is becuase i told him that really i have falling inlove with you right from the very day i started writing to you evern before you send your picture so for the reason he want the best fore me so if he see ant thing that will hot me he whould want me to put myhand into it,so please honey you have to promise me that you will not dissapoint me when i got to your country and that you will take proper care of me to start a new  life and continue my education.Meanwhile i guess 
you have heard from the Bank please let me know the rquirement so that we know the next step to take.Again i will like you to buy me jeans wear for my travelling when i come over then we can both go for shopping.The kind of sport i like is foot ball,sweaming,basket ball. etc. Anyway honey get back to me as soon as possible to know what the bank said if you have contacted them.thinking of you.As i wait to hear from you soon.My great regards.Miss Susi Saleeby with love and trust.



To: "Simon Chicanery"  
Subject: Confirm receipt of the form 
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 20:33:17


Bank Of Africa Senegal(BOASE) 
39,Av.Leopold Sedar Senghor, 
Dakar Senegal.West Africa. 
Tel: 00 221 368 1543 
Fax: 00 221 892 4845 

Attn:Mr.Simon Chicanery. 

We sincerely apologise for the failure of the attached file to appear in your message. In view of your request for claims, closure and transfer of a deposited US$3.7M on behalf of Mss.Susi Saleeby whom is the recognised next of kin to our late customer Dr Elie E. Saleeby. Investigation has been conducted and your information coincided with those in our record based on the report from our payment verification board. 

Be informed that before further transfer process can be effected in your favour as our banking ethic states, we need to receive the following documents from the court of Senegal precisely, to prove legally that you have been mandated by Mss Susi Saleeby. 

(1) Forward a scaned copy of your identity and carefully fill the attached questionnaire form. 
(2) A letter of administration notorised in Dakar and a sworn affidavit from high court of Senegal. 

We hope that you will understand that our request for the above documents and information are part of our security protocols to avoid fraudlent claims or an unwarranted taking advantage of our customer's by some individuals or some other distance relation, who might have had access to his/her privacy. 

On receipt of the above requirements by e-mail attachment, we shall verify them and once we are satisfied, we shall process your file and effect the transfer without further delay. Thanks for your co-operation. 

Yours faithfully, 
Mr.Omar Ndiaye. 
Foreign operations & International Remittance Dept. 
(Bank of Africa Senegal,Dakar-Senegal)



From: "Rev. Pedrol Dominic"  
To: "Simon Chicanery"  
Subject: Blessing from Rev.Pedrol. 
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 19:13:30


Each and everyone one of us are going through tough times right now, but God is getting ready to bless you in a way that only He can. Keep the faith. 

My instructions were to pick four (4) people that I wanted God to bless, and I picked you. Please pass this to at least four (4) people you want to be blessed and a copy back to me. 
This prayer is powerful, and prayer is one of the best gifts we receive. There is no cost but a lot of rewards. Let's continue to pray for one another.

The prayer: Father, I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and those that I care deeply for, who are reading this right now. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. Where there is need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings. In Jesus' precious name. Amen. 

(If the Lord lays upon your heart to send this to more than four "4" people, you are truly blessed).

Rev.Pedrol Dominic.



From: "Rev.Pedrol Dominic."  
To: Simon Chicanery  
Subject: Respond from Rev.Pedrol Dominic 
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2006 15:58:34



  Peace of the Lord be with you Mr Simon chicanery,I wish to inform you that your apology was accepted by me,i know that you where a kind of tension the way you write that mail,according to your first mail  it sounded good so when i saw this other one i know some thing was wrong the way you sound,i pray over it,i have forgotting it all. 
  Nevertheless i will advice you that you try to help Miss Susi out of Africa because the way she is talking about you is like you are her God sent and she is diply inlove with you why i have to let you know this is because i have called her to interview her about you,she told me good of you that you want to bring her to the UK. and secure a resident permit for her and make her to have a good  education and so on. 
  Mr.Simon chicanery i will be happy to see that you help her out of here with her money in the bank to start a new life with you over there. 
  God will continue to direct your step and Bless You as you help the needys. 
  Remen Bless. 
  Rev.Pedrol Dominic 



From: "Simon Chicanery"  
Subject: RE: Respond from Rev.Pedrol Dominic 
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 19:43:59

hey rev 
thanks for your merciful forgiveness. and yes i love helping the needys. so... do you think you would like to come and visit me? have you thought about it? i'd love to see you. what are you wearing right now? are you wearing a collar? do you think i could put it on when you come over? i'd like that. we could go dancing, i know a great club near fishbourne on the A3450. we could eat oysters and drink champagne and then go to a dogfight club. do you like bloodsports? tell me more about you, i think you're fantastic. 

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