04 April, 2008

Evil Atheist Conspiracy Strikes Again

Those insane and malignant creationism-denialism-ists have been at it again, brazenly sneaking their Supreme Heathen Commander into a private screening of the most anticipated motion-picture event this side of the rapture. Not Transformers 2 (though I've already booked tickets for that), but GOD's own feature film on how he designed all the birdies and the fishes and the plants and so on, 
ExpelledNo Intelligence Allowed. (Any irony contained in said title being completely accidental, of course.)
Read about the whole sorry incident here. And pray for their immortal souls (which will doubtless burn in the eternal lake of fire). And then go here for the first reviews of the movie. Haven't read them yet, but I'm sure they're glowing.

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